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It’s not just about the aesthetics! Why skin care research is important

It’s not just about the aesthetics!  Why skin care research is important

We get it, we all want that dewy, glowing, and fresh looking skin, we want to take sun-kissed selfies without worrying if a little zit would say hello or maybe take a pose for the camera, right? RIGHT! But achieving #Skingoals are harder than you think, it takes a lot of work, consistency and research–it’s more than just the aesthetics!

It might be easier to hoard every product you see online, it might be convenient to buy the same product everyone else is using even if you’re uncertain if it would work the same for you––now you can surely do this if you want to say you have a skincare regimen for the sake of it, but if you really want to take care of your skin 100%, you have to invest in leveling up your skincare research so you can choose the right products for YOU! 

If you’re a skincare junkie who wants to change from just the hoarder to the wise, read through this article and let us walk you through three (3) reasons why you need research when it comes to buying skincare! 

You won’t hurt your pocket. 
You’re not really saving money if you buy a product that has sub-par quality, you’ll just find yourself spending more by doing trial and error! 

We get it, being frugal is a good trait, but sometimes choosing what’s cheaper can compromise your skin’s wellness. The best skincare products have a special composition that contains chemicals that nourish and alter the skin at higher concentrations, and even these formulations have a strong scientific foundation backed up by extensive research! Would you rather buy a sunscreen that is cheap yet makes you break out everytime you put it on your skin? Or would you rather get a slightly pricey sunscreen yet well-formulated, proven and tested and made from quality ingredients? Take your pick! 

You’ll be able to protect your skin. 
We also believe in the mantra “Try and try until you succeed.” but that may not always be applicable when it comes to skincare. Trying so many products all at once can cause skin irritation that may lead to serious skin problems. Save yourself and your skin from the hassle of going through such a difficult time, do your research! Even consulting a dermatologist to know whether you’re allergic to a certain ingredient, or what products would work best for your skin type would help, this way, you’d know what skincare products to add to your cart and what to leave out of your shopping list! 
If you’re one of those skincare junkies who has a skincare cabinet filled with serums, moisturizers and sunscreens that you barely even use, research regarding skin care  can help you free up some space on your shelf and make way for better and quality skincare. You do not need to follow a 10-step skincare routine with different kinds of products every night, all you need is to find what’s best for your skin and keep those!
No more hoarding

If you’re one of those skincare junkies who has a skincare cabinet filled with serums, moisturizers and sunscreens that you barely even use, research regarding skin care  can help you free up some space on your shelf and make way for better and quality skincare. You do not need to follow a 10-step skincare routine with different kinds of products every night, all you need is to find what’s best for your skin and keep those!

 The importance of skincare nowadays has intensified especially since the beauty market continuously releases different products that give people a chance to solve their skincare plights. This is why most people rely on skin care products to solve their biggest skin dilemma–most people ought to buy acne creams, dark spot correctors, and other skincare products to solve basic to complex skin concerns; this may sound like a good thing but if you just buy without asking WHY, it might cause you some SERIOUS skin problems too! 


Now that information is easily accessible, it makes it easier for you to do some in-depth research about the ingredients, formulation and claims about a product you are eyeing, this will help you save tons of time and money! After all, real skin care is about watching out for what you put on your skin! 


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