#KnowMyStory Series: Fighting acnes

Skincare Journey Ep.1!
As I have been talking more about the tips and tricks to do skincare, I realized that it would be best if you would hear a bit of a testimony from me, right? That is why I wanted to start this #KnowMyStory series so that you’ll get to know more of what my skin has been through over the past years.
Entering my teenagers was definitely one of the toughest years that I had to bear. It was a total mixture of stress with lots and lots of breakdowns, and of strenuous activities that I did just so I can get a bit of enjoyment in my teenage years. However, these things all piled up for me to really make all the acne inevitable to deal with.
I could not forget how during my 9th grade, I had to suffer the worst breakout that I could ever encounter. It was totally… disgusting (and I’m not even overreacting)! Of course, as someone who has always wanted to be more confident as days go by, I had to make sure that I would have that fresh and glowing skin! So, what did I do? Let me tell you my skincare hacks on how I redeemed myself after the worst breakout of my decade!
First, I researched on the best ingredients to use. Let me tell you, before going on and hoarding all the skincare products that I think would work best for me, I really ensured that I would not waste any money so I did my research! One of the things that I have learned is that it is really important to know the right ingredients for your skin type. As a person with dry skin, I knew that I should buy products with hyaluronic acid, shea butter and aloe vera so that I can get that perfect skin!
Second, I live healthy. Getting that acne seemed so so so bad! The fact that I never wanted to suffer from that kind of breakout again led me to live healthier. I realized that acne happens not only because of the sweat and heat, but also because of the unhealthy lifestyle I live. I remember that during that time, I would only usually get 4 to 6 hours of sleep, I’ll skip my meals and even skip drinking water. That is why you must remember to really live healthy. No matter how stressful things may be, always take note to eat healthy, drink regularly and rest.
Third, I ensure consistency on skincare. One thing you should definitely do is to be consistent with your skincare routine. Make sure that you do your skincare everyday and that means every morning and every night! There are certain products that you should apply on your face depending on the time, and also remember to be gentle when you do the whole process of skincare so that you will achieve that young and glowing look!
Fourth, I do not touch my acne. Okay, listen up! Whenever you have pimples growing on your face or if you encounter chicken skin on your forearms (just like me!), then you should NEVER EVER touch those nor scratch those. It will only further damage your skin and the condition can get even worse… We do not want that to happen, right?
Lastly, I started using sunscreen. If there is one thing that I am most t I have learned that when you do not keep yourself protected from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, you will really be more vulnerable to getting those acne. This is the reason why I started using sunscreen because right after I did, there were less instances of acne on my face. hankful for, then those are sunscreens!Other than that, I am just grateful because I have found the perfect sunscreen for me! The GWTG Sun Stick has always been my go-to since it was really effective on my skin. Whenever I apply this, my skin feels light yet concealed from all the potential causes of acne. And of course, I want to share it with you guys because I believe it will help you, too!
Now, all of these tricks I have mentioned may look so cliché but they are completely helpful for me to eliminate all the acne instances on my skin.
Removing acne nor eliminating them will never be an easy task. I have also had my struggles on completely stopping them from growing on my skin, but all those years of research and finding the right products are definitely worth it! There will still be days wherein I feel l have bad skin days, but it’s normal! And if you ever feel like it’s getting tougher, just remember that you will get there. So, go girl, I’m rooting for you! Go with the glow!